50 State Equal Pay Reference Guide - 2023 Q3 Edition

Jurisdiction Statewide Salary Range Disclosure Requirements Local Jurisdiction Salary Range Disclosure Requirements Statewide Pay Reporting AR Arkansas No state law No local provisions located No pay reporting CA California Employers must include pay scale on job postings and upon applicant and/ or employee’s request. “Pay scale” is defined as the salary or hourly wage range that the employer reasonably expects to pay for the position. No local provisions located Employers with 100 or more US employees and at least 1 employee in California are required to submit an annual pay report to California Civil Rights Department including W-2 wages and hours worked. Employers must also report the mean and median hourly rate by each combination of race, ethnicity, and sex. In addition to the above, employers that have 100 or more US workers hired through labor contractors and at least 1 labor contractor worker in California must produce data on W-2, hours worked, mean and median hourly rate, and race/ethnicity and gender information in a separate Labor Contractor Employee report. CO Colorado (1) Promotional Opportunity Disclosure: Employers must make reasonable efforts to announce, post, or otherwise make known all opportunities for promotion to all current Colorado employees on the same calendar day and prior to making a promotion decision. (2) Compensation Information Disclosure: For roles that could be performed in Colorado, employers must disclose in each job posting: (a) the hourly rate or salary compensation; and (b) a general description of any other forms of compensation and benefits. Effective 1/1/24 amendments to the law will: (a) redefine what constitutes a “job opportunity;” (b) add a requirement to include the date the application window is anticipated to close; (c) require a notice to current employees regarding the candidate selected for a job opportunity; and (d) require disclosure of information related to “career progressions” to current employees. No local provisions located No pay reporting WWW.SEYFARTH.COM | 6